my style

my style

Thursday, June 23, 2011


If we are experiencing outstanding breakthrough in the church of God, we need to care for the people of God. The Lord Jesus during His ministry here on earth fed the people with both spiritual and physical food. For example in Matthew 14:13-21, Jesus fed 5,000 men with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes. Also in Matthew 15:32-39, He fed 4,000 men with 7 loaves of bread and a few fishes beside women and children.

Growing the church through fellowship:
This is very important in Acts 2:41-45 the early church of God grew and waxed stronger because the Christians devoted themselves to communication and unity with God with each other. The only way the church could survive persecution was to care for one another. The people of God in the church were in one accord, they had things in common, they fellowshipped together in prayers and in sharing; that should be the attitude of the church today.
The church is built on the foundation of love so God expects Christians to show love to one another so that His church can grow. What are you doing on your comfortable seat in the church when people are swimming in ignorance of the word of God, God desires increase; show your love to your neighbour and be prayerful to bring soul to God.
Preaching the gospel and winning souls is God business. Do not be slothful in this business. Jesus has given you the command in Matthew 28:19-20. Be awake from your slumber and go ahead to bring people into God’s kingdom. Do not let down this kingdom progress, the greatest achievement you can make on earth is to win souls.
What it shall profit a man if he gains the whole world and looses his soul, you are ordained to win souls, prosperity or progress will amount to nothing in life if you fail to win souls to God’s kingdom.

Growing the church through caring and giving
Having preached the word and brought them to the church, what follows is love, show them love; whatever God has blessed you with, use it to encourage the less privileged brethren in the church. The money, property or strength that you have is not your own, use it to worship the one who gave it to you. It takes the love of God to bear one another burden. Do not live to please yourself alone, live to make others happy too (Rom 15:1 and 1 John 3:17-19)

Growing the church through fellowship
Learn to be warm to your brethren; after the church service, greet one another, visit your brother or sister that has not been in the church; visit the sick, encourage the discouraged, help the helpless. If you are rich, visit the poor and share what you have with them, sacrifice your pleasure and visit the hospitalized and needy, there is reward for it. Let your case not be like those who will be caste away because they did not show love and care to the helpless. When you show love to one another the church of God will grow and many souls will be won to God’s kingdom through others.

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