my style

my style

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


DEVINE STABILITY BY SEEING THE INVISIBLE (Heb 11:1-3, 17-19, 23-27, Heb 12:1-2)

What you see and how you see it goes a long way to affect your stability in God. If you must go a long way, you need to see the invisible, seeing the invisible entails seeing the uncommon and unusual.

In Hebrew 11, God’s people did not give up, they were determine, Abraham waited to see that city with foundation whose builder and maker is God (Hebrew 11:10)
Therefore, God blessed His people. Seeing the unusual is not common. When you are stable, you are able to maintain focus and operate in an uncommon level. In Matthew 11:7-9 Jesus said to the multitude concerning John the Baptist: “what did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind? But what did you go out to see. A prophet? Yes i say to you and more than a prophet

What you see affects your life. What you see and how you see it even in Christendom determines your 1:7-8 says let an unstable man not get anything from God

Four things that can help us to see the invisible

1.       Confidence of provision (Hebrew 11:1-3)
When you know God, faith will make you to see beyond what you see around and so you will have the confidence of provision. The understanding and belief that God created all things and can still create anything and you’re seeing beyond your situation makes you confident and stand tall to serve your God.

2.       Commitment to obedience
When you understand the unseen it will help you to obey God. Faith is like designing the unseen. Looking at the life of Abraham the bible say he  saw ahead; he believed God (faith) and it was accounted unto him for righteousness (Rom 4:3) seeing the invisible removes the fear of the unknown and brings in obedience, it also removes the fear of not having enough

3.       Overcoming the worldly standard
When you see far, you will be able to overcome the worldly standard. Moses confronted his comfort zone in Egypt (Hebrew 11:25-27) fear of not having comfort when we serve God can remove God’s promises upon your life, Matthew 11; 28 say ‘come to me all ye who labour and are heavenly laden and i will give you rest..... For my yoke is easy and my burden is light

4.       Living victoriously in Christ (Hebrew 11:39 – Hebrew 12)
When you leave this world, will your departure be a statement that has been left behind for people to follow? Living victoriously in Christ means that your life must be in the hands of the author and finisher of your faith. Do you want to live that victorious life? Then surrender to Jesus today and make Him the author of your life. Seeing the invisible is fundamental, you will live above any challenge confronting you and you will live the God standard and principles in Jesus Name.

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