my style

my style

Monday, September 13, 2010


As a human being you must come into the world a little or insignificant person. But God’s plan for you is that in the world you will occupy an exalted position and do exploits for Him as you grow older.
‘’For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not evil to give you an expected end’’ (Jeremiah 29:11)

God has an expected end for every teenager (whether normal or disabled) It is God’s plan that your end become great
However note that this greatness does not come automatically. There are conditions that must be fulfilled in life before becoming great. One basic condition is to seek God earnestly (Job 8:5-6)

Parents you must take note of the critical role God expects you to play in the lives of their children. A Parentia influence is very important for any child who must reach his or her goal and end well. They must be properly guided.

“Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, the rod of correction will drive it far from him” (Prov. 22:15). As the children grow older, the foolishness gradually gives away. For every child to have a greater ending, every aspect of his or her life physical, mental, social or spiritual must be totally developed.
A greater ending must not be interpreted in terms of wealth possession. There is more in having a greater ending than merely acquiring or accumulating material wealth.
A greater ending for a child is to realize his or her purpose in life and achieve it. For Joseph has greater ending as being a ruler in Egypt (Genesis 37) For John the Baptist his greater ending was to be a voice in the wilderness proclaiming the coming of Jesus Christ (John 1:19-23) God has ordained a greater ending for every teenager. As parents you must never see them as mischievous. Success or greater height is not determined by man but by God. Therefore it does not matter what a child becomes, what matter is for that child to be where God wants him or her to be
Parents co-operate with your children and lead them in the Lord’s way. Invest in them but trust God to take them to their greater heights and greater ending according to His perfect plan for them not your perfect plan
Are you a teenager? You must co-operate with God and your parents to ensure that every aspect of your life is totally developed to enable you achieve a greater ending.


The story of Lazarus being raised by Jesus from the grave is very significant. It depicts the life of a typical Christian. Jesus restored Lazarus back to physical life. Although Lazarus will eventually die like any other person but having died in God he will rise again when Jesus shall return for the saints as He promised.
The rising of Lazarus from death shows the power of  God unto salvation in the life of a Christian.
The prayer “loose him and let him go” was actually prayed by Jesus on the day of his resurrection. Are you still putting on grave clothes like Lazarus? Jesus has delivered you from such clothes. Grave clothes belong to the grave and must be removed.
Jesus left his clothes in the grave because He has power over the grave. Today you need to get rid of such clothes and begin to sing new songs
It takes determination to remove the grave clothes that have put you in bondage.
What are those grave clothes?
1.        Grave Clothes of Hypocrisy and wrong doings
Your character reflects your christlike nature so keep good character. Stop deceiving yourself with the idea that God is too kind to discipline His children Read Hebrew 12:6
2.        Grave Clothes of Humility Mingled with Pride.
(1 Peter 5:5) why must you be proud at heart but pretend to be humble because you are a good prayer warrior, chorister etc. Remember that God resist the proud. What have you received that is not from God?
3.        Grave Clothes of “I could Not Be A Christian And Continue In my Business”
You have no excuse. God’s things must be taken seriously. His grace is sufficient for you.
4.        Grave Clothes “ I want To Have Fun AND Little More Enjoyment”

Remember that you have no power over your life. God has the final say. Read 1peter 2:16. Your liberty in Christ should be as His bond-servants
5.        Grave Clothes of “ I Cannot Afford TO Be A Christian”
In mark 8:38 Jesus said that if you are ashamed of Him and God’s word in this wicked generation, God will also be ashamed of you at the end.
6.        Grave Clothes Of “ I Am Too Busy To Think Of Religious Matters

Allow God to rule and reign in your life. Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:12 that we must all appear before the judgment seat of God to give account of the life we have lived.
God used Pharaoh to remove Joseph’s prison clothes (Gen 41:4) Allow God to get rid of those grave clothes in your life by yielding totally to Him.
Grave clothes are like the challenges of life. Apostle Peter, Paul and great men of faith faced the challenges and overcame. The baton has been handed over to you as God’s child and you are expected to overcome too. You will have no excuse because they had none.
Lazarus was raised from the dead but he still had his grave clothes on. Have you been born again but somehow you are still in the bondage of sin, non challant attitude, pride slothfulness and other problems of life?
Receive a change of a garment this season so that you can begin to sing new songs. Let the garment of joy, peace, righteousness, meekness and obedience be your portion in Christ Jesus. Receive grace to live worthy of the Lord. He will expel every darkness from your life and you will sing new songs

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