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my style

Friday, September 17, 2010


I will make a covenant of peace with them and cause wild beasts to cease from the land and they will dwell safely in the wilderness and sleep in the woods…. They shall be safe in their land; and they shall know that I am the Lord, when I have broken the bands of their yoke and delivered them from the hand of those who enslaved them (Ezekiel 34:25-27)

The moment you give your life to God, you have entered into a covenant relationship with Him. God has always initiated a covenant and that man should walk in. God has promised to make a covnant of peace with His chosen ones. You ought to maintain a relationship that is unreserved (unbroken) with God. Anywhere you go, you should shine forth the light and glory of God (Matt5:14)

God wants you to be faithful in your covenant with Him, no matter the circumstances. This means that even in times of delay or difficulties you must resolve to walk with Him. Do not compromise your faith or joke with your walk with God. Make a covenant of obedience with Him. When you have come to a point of making an everlasting resolve to serve God then Heaven will back you up and every disappointment storm your face becomes a preparation for higher lifting or mega blessing.

You need to sit down and have a retrospect of your life. Are you truly obeying God to the letter? You must not lose the secret place of your communion with God in the place of prayer. Stop playing church, it is time to mean business with God.

Maintaining A covenant of Wealth with God

When your job or business is no more, God can still make a way if you are a covenant keeper. It is good to pray but covenant works without obedience.
Therefore you must obey God’s instructions diligently. If God’s word says pay your tithe or give to the poor and help the needy etc you must do just that. There are blessings attached to obedience (Deuteronomy 28:1-14)
Not obeying God’s instructions can lead to poverty and shame (Proverb 13:18., Jeremiah 11:1-4)’ though your beginning was small, your later end shall greatly increase (Job 8:7) This verse of the scripture will only work for you when you obey the terms of the covenant which you have entered into with God. How regular are you in tithing? How many times have you located a relation, needy in church or in your neighbourhood to help him or her?
God is looking for a Joseph who He can raise up to change the destiny of this generation. You can be that Joseph Jer. 11:2-7
No matter what it will cost you, determine to obey the words of the covenant, walk by it, trust and obey His words and God will protect, preserve and bless you beyond your dream.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


A HERBAL preparation made with local plants: Seamus indica (sesame), Saccharum officinarum (sugar cane), Vernonia amygdalina (bitter leaf); and Aloe barbadensis (Aloe vera) has been shown to boost the body’s immunity against Human Immuno-deficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), tuberculosis, malaria, infertility, cancer, pain, stomach ulcer and sickle cell disease.
The inventor of the herbal combination (SAAB Herbal Capsules), pharmacist and Deputy Director Capital Procurement, Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH), Dr. Ben Amodu, told The Guardian recently at a herbal drugs exhibition organised by Pax Herbal Clinic and Laboratories Ewu, Edo State: “What it does is that it builds the immunity of a human or any living thing beyond human imagination. It stimulates the immunity of the organism. You know from the knowledge of biology that once the system of the organism is highly stimulated and the immune system boosted, any other ailment goes down. It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-analgesic or pain relieving effects.”
Amodu said unpublished efficacy study of the herbal combination has been privately done at the Nigerian Institute of Pharmaceutical Research and Development (NIPRD) Abuja. He said he used the result of the efficacy and toxicity studies to obtain the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) approval.
Amodu said results of preliminary investigation of the products characterised AC1 and AC4 at the faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) indicated that the formulation possesses analgesic activity. “AC1 inhibited pain in phase 2 while AC4 inhibited pain in phase 1. This result suggests that analgesic effect of AC1 preparation on the second phase of formalin test may probably be produced by its peripheral action on inflammation,” he said.
Amodu added: “In the study characterized AC1, an animal was put into a cage, they call it non sensitive test. The animal, monkey, was subjected to a high level of pain and that saw the animal raising up the hand because of the pain. Immediately it was given SAAB it brought down the hand. It was found that it acts peripherally on the system. Its action was discovered to be similar to that of Aspirin but without the side effect of Aspirin. So in the study it was noted that it could be used in the treatment of cancer without adding any pain adjuvant.
“This is a cheering news everywhere in the world. The second one was characterised as AC4. The same test was carried out and it was found that this pain relieving effect is by central action similar to morphine but without the respiratory depressant effect of morphine.
“With this two results, the sky is the limit for Nigerian drugs and in human use in cancer. We have a situation where the cancer was stopped, prostate cancer in men. I have somebody on admission now in the village on whom this medication was administered two days ago for prostate cancer, and he called not quite long ago to say the pain has gone.”
Is there any scientific explanation for these claims?
Scientifically called Vernonia amygdalina, Bitter leaf belongs to the plant family Compositae. In Nigeria, the Edo calls it oriwo; Hausa, chusar doki (a horse tonic food containing the leaves), fatefate/mayemaye (a food prepared from the leaves); Ibibio, atidot; Igbo, onugbu; Tiv, ityuna; and Yoruba, ewuro.
Researchers say eating more of Bitter leaf soup could be the panacea for diabetes, cancer, liver damage, drug resistant microbial infections; promote safe childbirth, to mention but a few.
A Bitter leaf-based herbal anti-diabetic medication has passed human clinical trials and received a United States Patent 6531461 for the treatment of diabetes; even as the NIPRD has concluded multi-centre human clinical trials of a similar drug, ADI.
Also, a phytochemotherapy (treatment based on plant chemicals) for cancer made from aqueous extracts of leaves of Bitter leaf, collected in Benin City, has received United States Patent 6849604.
Nigeria researchers have also shown that Bitter leaf protects the liver from drug-induced damage. A study published in Journal of Medicinal Food suggests that Bitter leaf elicits hepatoprotectivity (offers protection against liver damage) through antioxidant (prevents cell death) activity on acetaminophen-induced hepatic damage in mice.
The roots and leaves decoction of Bitter leaf has also been shown to increase uterine contraction and motility for safer childbirth. It is traditionally used in western Uganda to treat various ailments such as treatment of painful uterus, inducing uterine contractions, management of retained placenta and post partum bleeding, malaria, induced abortion, antimicrobial (bacterial and fungal infections), infertility, colic pains and treatment of irregular and painful menstruation.
Until now, Bitter leaf is used in Nigerian folk medicine as a tonic and remedy against constipation, fever, high blood pressure, and many infectious diseases.
Sesame belongs to the plant family Pedaliaceae and genus-Sesamum. The genus consists of about 36 species and 19 of which are indigenous to Africa. Sesame plant is believed to have originated from Africa. It is reputed in folk medicine in Africa and Asia. All parts of the plant are useful.
Previous studies have shown how sesame leaves could be used to treat thrush (candidiasis- caused by the fungus Candida albicans), Staphylococcus infection, obesity and infertility.
Nigerian researchers in a study titled “Anti-Obesity Effect of Sesame Leaf Extract in Rat” demonstrated that sesame-treated rats significantly showed evidence of weight loss and hypolipidaemia (lowers body fat) in a dose related manner via combined effects of all the active ingredients mainly the lignans and fatty acids present in the plant.
The researchers in a study titled “Synergistic Antimicrobial Activities of Phytoesptrogens in Crude Extracts of Two Sesame Species Against Some Common Pathogenic Microorganisms” confirmed the folkloric claims of the antimicrobial effectiveness of locally consumed Sesame leaves extracts in Nigeria.
The researchers found that sesame seeds and leaves contain natural antibacterial agents that are effective against common skin pathogens, such as Staphylococcus and Streptococcus bacteria, as well as common skin fungi including thrush and athlete’s foot fungus.
The study was published in the African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
In South-West Nigeria, decoction of sesame leaves is used for the treatment of bruised or erupted skins, catarrh and eye pains. Warm waterleaf infusion is used to gargle inflamed membranes of the mouth. The decoction of both leaves and roots have been found to be effective against chicken pox and measles (anti-viral) and used as hair shampoo for Taenia capitis (antifungal properties). Taenia captis causes loss of hair on some parts of the head. It is called okpuisi eliego in Ibo.
Botanically called Saccharum officinarum, extracts of sugarcane have been shown to effectively lower cholesterol and cure ulcer in humans.
According to the report published in Current Therapeutic Research, comparison of two regimens of Policosanol (a mixture of higher primary aliphatic alcohols purified from sugar cane wax) administered at 20 mg/d in patients with type II hypercholesterolemia (the presence of high levels of cholesterol in the blood) showed that it effectively lowers cholesterol. The study was a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.
Also, a mixture of primary fatty acids obtained from sugar cane wax has obtained a U.S. patent for ulcer treatment and as anticoagulant.
Previous studies indicated sugar cane to be antidote, antiseptic, antivinous, bactericide, cardiotonic, demulcent, diuretic, intoxicant, laxative, pectoral, piscicide, refrigerant, and stomachic. It is also reported as a folk remedy for arthritis, bedsores, boils, cancer, colds, cough, diarrhoea, dysentery, poor eyesight, fever, hiccups, inflammation, laryngitis, erectile dysfunction, skin diseases, sores, sore throat, bad spleen, tumours, and wounds
Aloe barbadenis derived products, but popularly called Aloe vera in Nigeria, has been recognised for many years to have significant anti-inflammatory activity.
Published evidence has shown that this is mediated, at least in part, by inhibition of prostanoid production in damaged tissue. Studies conducted at Texas A&M University and Texas Children’s Hospital, United States, by Drs. Bob Bowden and Wayne Smith have now demonstrated that aloe extracts mediate a second anti-inflammatory mechanism by blocking certain integrins. Integrins are proteins that mediate cell adherence. It is a medicinal herb used internally for constipation and externally to relieve pain and stimulate healing of burns, wounds, sun burn and possibly frostbite.
In recent years, Aloe vera and related products have drawn a great attention from cosmetic, nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industries.
Aloe vera gel, which is generated in the mucilaginous cells of the inter central zone of the leaf, has been very well documented for its wound-healing, anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulatory activities.
Decades of scientific studies on Aloe chromones reveal hundreds of structures with anti-inflammation, anti-ulcer, tyrosinase inhibition, skin protection, laxative effect and other biological activities.
Traditionally, Aloe vera has been known to influence digestion and reduce or eliminate worms. Other traditional uses have been in treating stomach disorders, diabetes, arteriosclerosis, amenorrhea, or suppressed menses, menstrual complaints, infections, herpes simplex viruses, and skin diseases. It is also used as a beauty aid for the skin.



Monday, September 13, 2010


As a human being you must come into the world a little or insignificant person. But God’s plan for you is that in the world you will occupy an exalted position and do exploits for Him as you grow older.
‘’For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not evil to give you an expected end’’ (Jeremiah 29:11)

God has an expected end for every teenager (whether normal or disabled) It is God’s plan that your end become great
However note that this greatness does not come automatically. There are conditions that must be fulfilled in life before becoming great. One basic condition is to seek God earnestly (Job 8:5-6)

Parents you must take note of the critical role God expects you to play in the lives of their children. A Parentia influence is very important for any child who must reach his or her goal and end well. They must be properly guided.

“Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child, the rod of correction will drive it far from him” (Prov. 22:15). As the children grow older, the foolishness gradually gives away. For every child to have a greater ending, every aspect of his or her life physical, mental, social or spiritual must be totally developed.
A greater ending must not be interpreted in terms of wealth possession. There is more in having a greater ending than merely acquiring or accumulating material wealth.
A greater ending for a child is to realize his or her purpose in life and achieve it. For Joseph has greater ending as being a ruler in Egypt (Genesis 37) For John the Baptist his greater ending was to be a voice in the wilderness proclaiming the coming of Jesus Christ (John 1:19-23) God has ordained a greater ending for every teenager. As parents you must never see them as mischievous. Success or greater height is not determined by man but by God. Therefore it does not matter what a child becomes, what matter is for that child to be where God wants him or her to be
Parents co-operate with your children and lead them in the Lord’s way. Invest in them but trust God to take them to their greater heights and greater ending according to His perfect plan for them not your perfect plan
Are you a teenager? You must co-operate with God and your parents to ensure that every aspect of your life is totally developed to enable you achieve a greater ending.


The story of Lazarus being raised by Jesus from the grave is very significant. It depicts the life of a typical Christian. Jesus restored Lazarus back to physical life. Although Lazarus will eventually die like any other person but having died in God he will rise again when Jesus shall return for the saints as He promised.
The rising of Lazarus from death shows the power of  God unto salvation in the life of a Christian.
The prayer “loose him and let him go” was actually prayed by Jesus on the day of his resurrection. Are you still putting on grave clothes like Lazarus? Jesus has delivered you from such clothes. Grave clothes belong to the grave and must be removed.
Jesus left his clothes in the grave because He has power over the grave. Today you need to get rid of such clothes and begin to sing new songs
It takes determination to remove the grave clothes that have put you in bondage.
What are those grave clothes?
1.        Grave Clothes of Hypocrisy and wrong doings
Your character reflects your christlike nature so keep good character. Stop deceiving yourself with the idea that God is too kind to discipline His children Read Hebrew 12:6
2.        Grave Clothes of Humility Mingled with Pride.
(1 Peter 5:5) why must you be proud at heart but pretend to be humble because you are a good prayer warrior, chorister etc. Remember that God resist the proud. What have you received that is not from God?
3.        Grave Clothes of “I could Not Be A Christian And Continue In my Business”
You have no excuse. God’s things must be taken seriously. His grace is sufficient for you.
4.        Grave Clothes “ I want To Have Fun AND Little More Enjoyment”

Remember that you have no power over your life. God has the final say. Read 1peter 2:16. Your liberty in Christ should be as His bond-servants
5.        Grave Clothes of “ I Cannot Afford TO Be A Christian”
In mark 8:38 Jesus said that if you are ashamed of Him and God’s word in this wicked generation, God will also be ashamed of you at the end.
6.        Grave Clothes Of “ I Am Too Busy To Think Of Religious Matters

Allow God to rule and reign in your life. Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:12 that we must all appear before the judgment seat of God to give account of the life we have lived.
God used Pharaoh to remove Joseph’s prison clothes (Gen 41:4) Allow God to get rid of those grave clothes in your life by yielding totally to Him.
Grave clothes are like the challenges of life. Apostle Peter, Paul and great men of faith faced the challenges and overcame. The baton has been handed over to you as God’s child and you are expected to overcome too. You will have no excuse because they had none.
Lazarus was raised from the dead but he still had his grave clothes on. Have you been born again but somehow you are still in the bondage of sin, non challant attitude, pride slothfulness and other problems of life?
Receive a change of a garment this season so that you can begin to sing new songs. Let the garment of joy, peace, righteousness, meekness and obedience be your portion in Christ Jesus. Receive grace to live worthy of the Lord. He will expel every darkness from your life and you will sing new songs

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Mens Health 6 Best Foods for Healthy Skin


Sandra Bullock, Rihanna, and Lindsay Lohan: What do these women have in common? They’ve all been embroiled in tabloid-worthy scandals. But what else? They all look good, even when the press isn’t. That’s because they have what so many of us strive for: Perfect skin.

So, what’s the secret? How do some of us achieve the golden hue of Halle Berry while the rest of us get stuck with a scaly patchwork of blotches, pimples, and dry spots? Some of it’s genetic, sure, but that’s not the whole story. If you listen to the conventional wisdom coming from the pharmaceutical companies, you might think the problem is that you just haven’t discovered the right cream, ointment, or alcohol-soaked cleansing pad to clear up your face. But those are solutions of last resort. What you need is a preventive strategy, one that involves nurturing the complex balance of nutrients that feed your skin and nurture your inner glow. In other words, if you want the kind of skin that looks good even through a Hollywood scandal, you’ve got to eat right. Here are six foods that will have you looking your best.
And don’t forget to more quick-hit health tips that draw on everything I've learned in more than a decade as editor for Men's Health and Women's Health

Salmon is an ideal food for many reasons, but as far as your skin’s concerned, there’s only one that matters: It’s among the world’s greatest sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Those are the essential fats that, along with bolstering the cognitive powers of your brain, concentrate in the walls of your epidermal cells to help lock in moisture. Plus, in one study, researchers supplemented two groups of mice with either omega-3 or omega-6 fats. After two weeks, the skin of the omega-3-fed group exhibited a 20 percent faster recovery rate from exposure to ultraviolet light. That gives salmon two crucial skin boons: keeping your skin from looking dry and helping it battle the dangers of excessive sunlight.

  2. CARROTS              
        Carrots are teeming with tiny orange pigments called beta-carotene, and when you ingest those pigments, you’re inviting them to nestle into your skin, fill in blotches, and give you a healthy glow. And what’s more, research shows that this can actually help prevent premature aging from sun damage. But is the accumulation of orange in your skin going to make you look like an extra from Jersey Shore? Well, hopefully not. But eating excessive loads of carotene-rich foods can lead to a condition called carotenosis, wherein your skin stops looking healthy and starts looking, well, orange. But the conditions is rare, so unless you notice yourself turning into a prison jumpsuit, feel free to chow down.
Other beta-carotene foods:
sweet potatoes, red bell peppers, red grapefruit
One study published by The Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that people with higher intakes of olive oil had fewer wrinkles than people with higher intakes of butter. The reason: Butter is loaded with saturated fat, while olive oil is rich in monounsaturates, the same essential fats that make up more than 50% of the calories in an avocado. So why eat avocado over olive oil? Both are good, but avocados have the added bonus of B vitamins, which also help to keep your skin looking vibrant and smooth.
Other monounsaturated-fat foods: olive oil, almonds, peanut butter 

Legumes, to be more precise. This is the class of plants that includes black beans, chickpeas, lentils, soybeans, and peanuts. And how do these puny pods protect your face? By smoothing out wrinkles. Australian researchers analyzed the diets of more than 400 elderly men and women and found that high intakes of legumes—alongside vegetables and healthy fats—resulted in 20% fewer wrinkles over time. The effect is likely a result of isoflavones—potent antioxidants—concentrated in the beans.

Other isoflavone-rich foods: alfalfa, tempeh, tofu

Besides providing protection from heart attack and stroke, antioxidants called polyphenols found in grapes can also help keep middle-aged skin from sagging. That’s because polyphenols improve skin’s elasticity by strengthening collagen, the primary protein in skin’s innermost layer.

Other polyphenol-rich foods: grape juice, blueberries
  6. WATER
Okay, it’s not as fun to drink as wine, but water is the strongest weapon you have against lifeless skin. That’s why they call it “moisturizing”—because you’re trying to lock moisture, aka water, into your skin. To put it broadly, all the body’s processes rely on hydration, so if you’re not sipping throughout the day, you’re likely to have a slower metabolism, groggier head, and, yes, drier skin. One study suggested that it takes a mere half-liter of water to create a measurable increase in the capillary blood flow to your body’s outer layer. That’s just over 16 ounces. Try doing that a few times a day and you’ll have a face like a baby’s bottom in no time.
Other water-rich foods: watermelon, peaches, celery

Making juice with several of these fruits is very relevant to human health, you can take one glass of warm water mixed with one - two teaspoons of honey and one teaspoon of lemon juice to purify the blood and clean the bowel. this can be taken every morning. The honey contains nutraceutical which are effective in removing free radicals from the body to improve your body immunity
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